Web based
"Media Intersection" Offers Business "The cheapest way to advertise on
National TV"
TMI offers a new advertising option to small business. TMI has
named it, "The Prorated Infomercial" The company buys groups of thirty
minute infomercials from cable networks and breaks them into spot length
ads. It then makes these “spots” available to small businesses that can’t
afford standard advertising rates.
Contact Fred Lundgren Katy, Texas (281)
599-9800 ceo@houston.rr.com
The Media Intersection is open
to traffic at http://tmi.homestead.com
TMI offers a new promotional
tool to small business. TMI calls it; "The Prorated Infomercial.” The
Company buys groups of thirty minute infomercials from cable networks and
breaks them into spot length ads. It then makes these “spots” available to
small businesses that can’t justify more expensive standard advertising
rates. TMI claims to offer the least expensive way to advertise on
national TV, no exceptions.
Fred Lundgren, owner and developer of
The Media Intersection says, “Our system can place a company message
into millions of homes at a price per thousand far below the cost of any
other form of advertising and, with so many networks popping up every
year, TMI can target ads to the network viewed by most likely
Lundgren says any small business can target their
message using the TMI concept regardless of whether they sell camping
gear, perfume, health care products or Internet access.
says TMI is primarily designed for businesses in the “fall-off" category,
which he defines as the business that would have gone the extra mile to
advertise if the cost, effectiveness, and the minimum "buy" could have
been justified.
Lundgren, a broadcaster and radio station owner,
says he recognized the need for such a service because of his background
in the media industry. TMI is taking orders for the 4th quarter of
For Additional Information, Please
Fred Lundgren The Media Intersection http://tmi.homestead.com/ 281 599